Safer Dates
Never worry about blind dates again
We know who you're meeting with
Never worry about blind dates again
We know who you're meeting with
You don't have to share personal details with your date
You can even use a pseudonym
Stand out from the crowd by letting people know you're real
Your sensitive information is kept offline in encrypted and airgapped computers
How your profile page will look like
How your certificate will look like
Use it wherever you like
Certify and add value to your online presence on any platform.
Make your matches more confortable and get more dates.
The safest way to date. Online dating is great for meeting new people, but you never know who is on the other side.
Are you a parent? Wouldn't you like for someone to know your kid's date true identity?
Avoid scams. In 2020, in the US alone $304 million were reported lost.
Going on a date? Just let a friend know the person's IM 4REAL link should there be any problem.